When you're on a tight budget, the thought of preparing tasty, healthy meals on a regular basis can seem daunting. Despite this at the end of the day you are in control of your kitchen—and if you cook smart, you can enjoy the meals you deserve. Here are some tips: Double recipes, then freeze half. Leftovers can make great lunches later. Save your vegetable trimmings to make your own vegetable stock. Not only do you save money, but vegetable stock also makes a nutritious base for casseroles, soups, and Crockpot cooking. Always buy in bulk. Use less expensive cuts of meat for casseroles that you slow cook; add extra vegetables and beans to make the meal go further. Look high and low (literally) to find the less expensive generic or store brands on grocery shelves, often very similar to higher-priced brand names though packaged under different labels. Lastly stock your fridge with things that are easy and quick to cook, such as soups and canned veggies.
How to eat healthy on a budget
By : Sarah
Last Updated : Sep 4, 2012 4:25:49 PM